Um okkur
Seglagerðin Ægir er eitt af elstu starfandi fyrirtækjum landsins, stofnað 1913. Það hefur ávallt kappkostað að laga sig að kröfum tímans og viðskiptavinanna. Seglagerðin hefur ætið verið í nálægð við Reykjavíkurhöfn og var starfsemi þess upphaflega bundin við sjávarútveginn. Seglagerðin Ægir hefur verið í eigu sömu fjölskyldu síðustu 60 ár og er nú í eign og stjórn Björgvin Barðdal, sem er þriðji ættliður framkvæmdastjóra fyrirtækisins. Í dag starfa hjá fyrirtækinu 18 manns.
Saga Seglagerðarinnar Ægis í 100 ár
Helstu deildir Seglagerðarinnar eru 2:
Saumastofan- sér um að sauma allt frá hælapokum að markísum og upp í 20 þúsund fermetra vöruskemmur, einnig sér hún um almennar viðgerðir á tjöldum og seglum. Starfsmenn saumastofunnar búa yfir áratuga reynslu af hönnun og saumaskap og er því ekkert verkefni of lítið eða of stórt fyrir okkur.
Tjaldaleigan- okkar leigir þér veislutjöld sem hentar við hvert tækifæri, ásamt aukahlutum eins og borðum, bekkjum, hiturum og trégólfum. Hafðu samband og við gefum þér tilboð í allt frá 2 manna einkapartý til 2.000 manna stórveislu.
Seglagerðin Ægir
Eyjarslóð 7
101 Reykjavík
S: 511-2200
Fax: 511-2211
Seglagerðin Ægir was founded in 1913 and is one of the oldest continuously operating companies in Iceland. At first the company´s main operations focused on services for the fishing industry, but later expanded to include a wide collection of products made from canvas, nylon, and other materials. For the last 20 years the company´s main focus has been to import and sell trailers, caravans, motor homes, and accessories from Europe and USA. Seglagerðin Ægir has been owned by the same family for the last 60 years and is now owned and directed by Björgvin Barðdal who is third generation General Manager.
Trailerland imports and sells trailers, pop up trailers, truck campers, caravans, mobile homes, and other products related to the travelling industry. We have a 800m2 show room and an outside area of around 4.000m2 where our 8 sales representatives work.
Our sewing factory is the only one in Iceland that manufactures a wide range of products from canvas and other related materials, e.g., awnings, tents tarpaulins, and sails for a wide range of clients.
In the service department assembling and care taking of all repairs regarding caravans and trailers are done by a highly skilled staff, that include electricians, mechanics, and gas experts.
For all major events, our staff working in the tent rental and accessories department provide professional and personal service to our customers, that include major Icelandic companies in both the private and public sector.
During the summer season around 60 people work in all four departments and around 35 during the winter season. The fact that we sell around 400 – 450 units of trailers, caravans, and mobile cars, each year, makes Seglagerðin Ægir the largest company of it´s kind in Iceland regarding to size, number of employees, turnover, and number of sold units.
Our main brands today are Tabbert, Holi Camp, Trigano, Palomino, Joint, and Tec.
I hope this brief introduction about Seglagerðin Ægir will give you some insight into our company and that we may do business together in the future.
Best regards from Iceland,
Björgvin Barðdal
General Manager